====== OpenCalendar ====== The lab has a general **open-door policy**. This does not mean that we are open 24/7, but it means that you are welcome to walk in, enjoy a coffee, leave a sticker at the entrance, attend a class as a visitor, or just check if there is a free spot to work on something – during the opening times ;-). The below calendar features the time you will most probably meet someone. While every effort is made to keep the calendar as up-to-date as possible, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. {{cal>hardmood@gmail.com&color=%777&title=Creative%20Technologies%20Lab%20%7C%20Open%20Calendar&src=NDM5ZjFiYTI0N2ZiMGU5OGVmYjhmMmM4ZjI0MTQzZjIwZWZjNzQ1YWI0YjYxNGM4NWFjYTEwNDY0ZjYwNDU4NEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&mode=WEEK&hl=en&showPrint=0&showCalendars=0&showTabs=0&ctz=Europe%2FBerlin&wkst=2[1200,800]|Open Calendar}}