====== Archive of teaching activities related to the Lab ====== The teaching focus at the Creative Technologies Lab is centered on exploring the intersection of design, technology, and human interaction. Students engage in hands-on, project-based learning to develop innovative solutions that combine creative approaches with technical expertise. Emphasis is placed on the integration of emerging technologies to address real-world challenges while fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and interdisciplinary problem-solving. The lab encourages experimentation, prototyping, and iterative design processes to equip students with the skills needed to thrive in dynamic, technology-driven fields. The following list gives an overview about courses given by affiliated faculty and teaching staff. ===== SoSe 2025 ==== |< 100% 275px 350px - >| ^**Course title** ^**Course Information** ^**documentation, links,…** | |Design Basics – \\ Praktische Grundlagen der Gestaltung |ETI Wahlpflicht Bachelor, 4. semester, 5 CP |[[teaching:ba:courses:design-basics:sose25:semester-schedule|wiki page]] | |Media Objects – \\ Entwicklung eines medialen Objektes |ETI Wahlpflicht Master, 1.-3. semester, 5 CP |[[teaching:ma:courses:media-objects:sose25:semester-schedule|wiki page]] | |DTI-25: Design, Technology and Innovation in Munsterland |2 week summer-school | [[teaching:summerschool:dti:dti-2025|wiki page]] | ===== WiSe 2024/25 ==== |< 100% 275px 350px - >| ^**Course title** ^**Course Information** ^**documentation, links,…**| |Medien-Design Projekt |[[teaching:ba:courses:mediadesign-project:wise24-25:semester-schedule|more details here…]] |ETI Wahlpflicht Bachelor, 4. semester, 5 CP | | |Media Installations – \\ Entwicklung einer medialen Installation |[[teaching:ma:courses:media-installations:wise24-25:semester-schedule|more details here…]]  |ETI Wahlpflicht Master, 1.-3. semester, 5 CP | | |Foundations of Design II. (Triade Vol. IV) | |MSD, Bachelor, 2. semester, 10 CP |[[https://wiki.msd-basics.info/doku.php?id=gl2_beck_wise24-25_uebersicht|course page in MSD wiki]] | ===== SoSe 2024 ==== |< 100% 275px 350px - >| ^**Course title** ^**Course Information** ^**documentation, links,…** | |Design Basics – \\ Praktische Grundlagen der Gestaltung |ETI Wahlpflicht Bachelor, 4. semester, 5 CP |Doku Kurzzeit-Projekt: [[https://mpdrei.ct-lab.info|mpdrei.ct-lab.info]] | |Media Objects – \\ Entwicklung eines medialen Objektes |ETI Wahlpflicht Master, 1.-3. semester, 5 CP | | |DTI-24: Design, Technology and Innovation in Munsterland | |[[teaching:summerschool:dti:dti-2024|wiki-page]], course site: http://dti-24.felix-beck.de | |Foundations of Design II. (Triade Vol. III)   |MSD, BA-level, 2. semester, 10 CP |[[teaching:ba:foundations-of-design_sose24|wiki-page]] | |Social Entrepreneurship School |block seminar (2x two days) |[[:teaching:social-entrepreneurship-school|wiki-page]] | |COIL MSD&UDLA |Collaboration with Prof Marisol Frugone, UDLA Chile \\ 22. Apr. – 27. Mai 2024 |[[teaching:coil:chile_2024|wiki-page]], about COIL: ([[:teaching:coil:what-is-a-coil|en]] / [[:teaching:coil:was-ist-coil|de]]), Recoding of COIL event on [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erHu9objMpw|YouTube]] | ====== Prof. Beck's teaching before 2024 ====== * [[teaching:probelehrveranstaltung|Prof. Beck Probe-Lehrveranstaltung]] "Multimediale Anwendungen unter Einsatz von 3D" am Fachbereich ETI (April 2023) * Prof. Beck's [[teaching:msd-2020-2024|teaching activities at MSD Münster School of Design]] (2020–2024) * Prof. Beck's [[https://www.felix-beck.de/nyuad/teaching/doku.php?id=start#courses|teaching activities at NYU Abu Dhabi]] (2015–2020)