Creative Technologies Lab | dokuWiki

Repository of academic adventures, experimental technology, accidental brilliance, and collaborative nerdery.

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Bachelor projects at other departments/schools than ETI

Summer Semester 2022 (MSD)

  • A social-awareness campaign in collaboration with the MSD and the department of health, Hendrik Kespohl

Winter Semester 2021/2022 (MSD)

  • Gestaltungspotentiale des Kunststoffrecycling, Jonnathan Kuhlmann
  • Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung, Nora Karl & Mirjam Bauer

Winter Semester 2020 (NYUAD)

  • Design of a plastic injection machine, Kazi Owais Ahmed (Mechanical Engineering, BA), Muhammad Rafay Ashfaq (Electrical Engineering, BA), Hamza Haider (Electrical Engineering, BA).

    The goal of the group project was to further develop the mechanical and electrical engineering aspects of the Precious Plastic injection machine V02 which enables users to manually inject melted plastic into a mold to create plastic objects. For this capstone project, the group implemented features like a touch screen with integrated user interface to access and control the movement of an integrated electric screw jack. This system enables the user to operate a piston handsfree. A new heating system was successfully designed and implemented.
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