Master's thesis

In the master’s thesis, students address a specific question within their field of study, applying the knowledge and skills gained during their academic program. To begin the Master thesis in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ETI) at FH Münster, students must have acquired at least 65 ECTS credits from module examinations. This ensures that sufficient progress has been made in the program to undertake the final thesis. The Master thesis is supervised by a professor from the department and spans a processing time of up to five months. It concludes with a colloquium, where students present and defend their findings.1)2)

Prof. Felix Beck is supervising selected master's thesis as first examiner. There is a need to register early – at least one semester in advance!

Possible projects should target one of the listed media-formats, and should take place in the field of interactive media (web technologies, VR, AR, software development, visual computing), media in space/spatial design (autoactive, reactive, interactive installations), product design (IoT, media objects), or similar.

Potential MA thesis topics

FH Münster, Department ETI, *Master Thesis Requirements*. Available at:
FH Münster, Department ETI, *Forms and Guidelines*. Available at: